General Conditions - Cyclades, Dodecanese, N. Aegean, Saronic islands & Crete
Passengers are advised to provide their travel agency with a telephone number (preferably a mobile phone number) so they can be contacted in case of emergency, e.g. cancellation of departure due to bad weather conditions etc.
Use is only allowed to the holders of numbered seat tickets.
Passengers must:
Drivers are obliged to embark and disembark their vehicle. Vehicles’ passengers must exit the vehicle before embarkation. Vehicles’ priority order for embarkation is determined by the Port Regulations of each Port Authority, where embarkation takes place. All passengers should be able to present their valid travel documents.
Passengers are also requested to carry the necessary documents that certify their identity (identity card, passport or driver's license), as well as the supporting documents for commercial discounts, if a discounted ticket has been issued. In case holders of discounted tickets do not carry the required supporting documents, the fare difference must be collected. In addition, boarding will not be allowed to passengers whose name is not correctly indicated on the ticket.
The Company reserves the right to deny embarkation to a passenger travelling without the necessary identification and supporting documents.
In case a passenger wishes to disembark prior the vessel’s departure, he/she is obliged to inform the vessel’s Purser’s Office and upon leaving the vessel to take all of his/her luggage as well. In case of vehicles, please mind that there is the possibility of being unable to remove them from the vessel’s garage due to their pre-arranged parking positions.
Tickets must be issued within a specific time period following their booking, of which passengers are advised by their travel agent. If tickets are not issued within this period, the booking is automatically cancelled.
A. CANCELLATION FEES: CYCLADES - DODECANESE - NORTH AEGEAN routes HIGH SEASON: 28/02/25-01/03/25, 03/03/25, 21/03/25-22/03/25, 25/03/25, 11/04/25-27/04/25 & 05/06/25-28/09/25*
*For the period 11/04/25-05/06/25 & from 05/06/25-07/06/25 for all departures from Piraeus, Lavrio, Kavala and Thessaloniki and for the period 21/04/25-27/04/25 & 09/06/25-10/06/25 for all departures to Piraeus, Lavrio, Kavala and Thessaloniki, tickets are cancelled without charge or converted to open date tickets or for another departure date, up to 14 days prior to departure. Up to 7 days prior to departure, a 25% cancellation charge is applied or alternatively tickets can be converted to open date tickets or for another departure date. The same applies to all intermediate routes.
LOW SEASON: All other dates except those mentioned in HIGH SEASON
HIGH SEASON: 05/06/25-28/09/25
LOW SEASON: All the other dates except those mentioned in HIGH SEASON
HIGH SEASON: 28/02/25-01/03/25, 03/03/25, 21/03/25-22/03/25, 25/03/25, 11/04/25-27/04/25 & 05/06/25-28/09/25*
* For the period 11/04/25-05/06/25 & from 05/06/25-07/06/25 for all departures from Piraeus and for the period 21/04/25-27/04/25 & 09/06/25-10/06/25 for all departures to Piraeus, tickets are cancelled without charge or converted to open date tickets or for another departure date, up to 7 days prior to departure. Up to 4 days prior to departure, a 25% cancellation charge is applied or alternatively tickets can be converted to open date tickets or for another departure date. The same applies to all intermediate routes.
LOW SEASON: All other dates except those mentioned in HIGH SEASON
DELAYED DEPARTURE: Passengers and vehicles can embark without changing their tickets.
CANCELLATION OF DEPARTURE: The tickets of a cancelled departure are not valid for embarkation and must be exchanged with a new ticket for the next scheduled departure, subject to availability.
ATTENTION: In case of a departure being delayed or cancelled due to extreme weather conditions etc., passengers are kindly requested to contact the company’s port agencies in order to be informed about the new departure time.
When a ticket is lost:
If, after checking the company’s records, the lost ticket has not been found used or replaced, within one (1) month after the departure date, the company will grant a ticket free of charge, for exactly the same value of the one lost.
Purser’s Office staff carries out ticket controls at embarkation and during the journey. Passengers are obliged to show their tickets on demand and proof of discount, if applicable. In case holders of discounted tickets do not carry the required supporting documents, the fare difference will be collected.
Luggage should be placed in the designated areas of the vessels as per the crew’s instructions. Passengers are entitled to carry free of charge, luggage up to 50 kilos or 1m3. Luggage must not contain valuable items. These items can be handed over to the Chief Purser for safe-keeping. The Company is responsible for the damage or loss of luggage on board, only if they have been handed over for safe-keeping and a relevant receipt has been issued. The Company cannot be held responsible for any loss of money, valuables or luggage left in the cabins, the vessel's common areas or the vehicles.
On board our vessels there are specially designed cabins with easy access and operation to accommodate passengers with special needs. Due to a limited number of cabins, it is necessary to reserve in advance (Reservations Dept.: +30-210-8918800).
For further assistance: Customer Services Dept., tel.: +30 2810 529000, e-mail: info@greekferries.gr.
Minor passengers under 15 years old are not allowed to travel alone.
The transportation of minor passengers, who have reached the age of 15 to 18 years, without being accompanied by a parent or a guardian, is permitted under the following conditions:
Completion of a Statutory Declaration by the parent or the legal guardian of the minor, with his/her signature, validated by the competent Police or Port Authority, Citizens’ Service Centers (KEP) or gov.gr.
For boarding on vessel, the minor passenger must possess in hand the original and validated Statutory Declaration, along with the ticket, as well as his/her Identity Card for identification purposes.
In any case, the parent or the legal guardian of the minor passenger bears in full the responsibility for the prompt acquisition and certification of the Statutory Declaration, as well as of any accompanying documents that may be required at the port of departure.
Under no circumstances will the Company be liable if, due to inadequate documents and/or identification certificates, boarding is not allowed by the vessel’s Officers or the Port Authorities. Relevant declaration forms are available at the Customer Service Dept., tel.: +30 2810 529000, e-mail: info@greekferries.gr, at the local Port Offices of the Company or click here to download the form.
Passengers traveling with Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) must declare it when booking/issuing their tickets.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) include:
According to the Greek Authorities’ circular regarding the measures during the transportation of Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) with passenger vessels (Ro-Pax) and Ro-Ro vessels and in order to limit and prevent the risk of fire as well as the release of toxic gases in the garage area, the following measures are applicable:
Based on the existing legislative framework (article 18 § 7 of Law 4830/2021 / Οfficial Gazette A' 169/18.09.2021), it is mandatory for passengers traveling with animals to declare them when booking / issuing their tickets, in order to be recorded in the electronic booking system and issue a free of charge ticket.
Ticket issuance is not allowed on board, therefore, to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, passengers must book and issue tickets οn time.
According to European Parliament's and Council's Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013, each passenger may travel with a maximum of 5 pets owned by the passenger. Pets must be fully vaccinated and may travel with an own pet health certificate.
Please note that the maximum number per booking is 5 pets.
The vessels have special cabins (PET cabins) as well as special accommodation areas for pets (kennels). Due to the limited number of PET cabins, it is necessary to reserve them in advance. The maximum number per PET cabin, is 2 pets.
Excluded are FLYING DOLPHIN vessels, where the transport of pets is only allowed in a small pet carrier up to 10 kg.
For reasons of public hygiene, pets are not allowed in cabins (other than the specially designated PET cabins), bars, restaurants and the vessel’s indoor public areas. While walking on the open decks, pets are required to wear a muzzle or be on a leash, accompanied by the pet owner or guardian.
Pet owners or guardians are required to have their pet’s valid health documents with them while travelling and they should present them when boarding the vessel. The pet owner or guardian is held fully responsible for the care, safety, and hygiene of the pet and for adhering to all laws and regulations related to the above. Furthermore, pet owners are solely responsible for any possible harm or damage caused by their animals to any third party, during the trip.
Special areas for the pets’ daily hygiene are available on board (except for FLYING DOLPHIN vessels).
Unaccompanied pets are not accepted for embarkation.
Passengers who have lost or found a lost item on board, are kindly requested to contact the vessel’s Reception immediately during their journey and most importantly before disembarkation. For any information you may require after disembarkation, please contact Company’s Head Offices, Customer Services Dept., tel.: +30 2810 529000, e-mail: info@greekferries.gr.
For any Customer Service inquiries, comments or suggestions, please call, tel.: +30 2810 529000, e-mail: info@greekferries.gr.
For security reasons, all persons and all items brought on board the vessel are liable to be searched. Persons refusing to comply with this demand shall be denied access on board and will be reported to the appropriate port authorities. All passengers are required to present their ticket, identity card or any other official documents to the vessel’s authorized personnel. The carrier reserves the right to deny embarkation to any individual who does not possess valid travel documents or fails to prove beyond doubt, his/her identity.
Once a passenger has boarded the vessel, he/she is not allowed to disembark prior to departure, unless approved by vessel’s Officers. Passengers who wish to disembark, must take with them all their luggage and/or vehicle (if possible).
Any weapons carried must be declared upon embarkation.
As per the National Law 3730 of the Greek Ministry of Health, as from 1st July 2009 smoking is strictly prohibited in all enclosed public areas, as well as the vessels' cabins. Passengers may smoke in the designated areas on the open outer decks.
To resolve disputes that arise between the Company and a passenger, the passenger can address the ‘Consumer’s Ombudsman’, an Independent Authority (Mailing Address: 144 ALEXANDRAS AVE., 11471 ATHENS, Tel: 210 6460862, e-mail: grammateia@synigoroskatanaloti.gr, website: https://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr/en), as an Alternative Dispute Resolution agency.
In any case, any dispute that arises between a passenger and the Company can be resolved consensually via the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform (https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show) and the agencies certified by the European Commission in accordance with the terms of Directive 2013/11/EU, which in this case is the ‘Consumer’s Ombudsman’ Independent Authority (https://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr/en).
Unexpected cease of operations by the ferry company
In order to secure your reservation, Greekferries Club S.A. is requested to settle all payments for confirmed bookings immediately, regardless of the date of travel.
In case the ferry company you are scheduled to travel with ceases its operations due to reasons of debt, accident, bankruptcy or other, the ticket value will be refunded as long as Greekferries Club S.A. receives the equivalent reimbursement from the ferry company itself or any other public or private organization. In any other case, Greekferries Club S.A. is not liable for any refund towards the client.